How to behave in relation to the ex-wife of the husband and children from the previous marriage?

  1. Accept your spouse with all of his or her past. What was, it is impossible to undo or redo. The way you love him, he became thanks to his past. If you do not accept his past, then you do not accept him
  2. The ex-wife has her own truth. She does not care about your feelings, she will not take them into account, and you should not hope so.
  3. The ex-wife is the victim. If you cannot cope with the overwhelming feeling of aggression towards her — delve into your feelings and emotions. Most likely, there is a sense of guilt hidden there.
  4. The ex-wife and your spouse have the right to communicate about raising their children as much as necessary! Moreover, they must do so in order to preserve the well-being of the children. Yes, she can call him, talk about what is happening with the children, and ask for help. He is the same parent and is responsible for the children to the same extent. Humble yourself.
  5. Do not limit your spouse in dealing with children from your first marriage. Establish communication with these children, (without burdening with gifts and entertainment). It may be that the first wife will be against the child to communicate with you. This often happens in the first year after divorce. Do not insist and do not be offended, let your husband communicate on his own. The time will come when you will all be spending time together.
  6. A man who, for your sake, stops communicating with his ex-wife and children, will be 90% henpecked. Someday he may do the same to you.
  7. Alimony. If you by hook or by crook are trying to reduce the amount of alimony that the spouse pays to his ex-wife, then be prepared that in the future he will not pay you anything at all.
  8. If you have children in your marriage, do not demand that they be more important to him than the first.

The opinion of second wives is interesting. How do your spouses communicate with children from their first marriage? And the rest of the question — have any of your loved ones faced such a situation? How did the communication develop?


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